Tools 4 Teachers Poll

We just had our Tools 4 Teachers event at the Huntington Mall and it was a HUGE success! BUT we can always improve! So we'd like to poll teachers and find out what you really need!

Below is a list of Tools we've had in years past. Please let us know what supplies you use most! (Select all that apply):

- notebooks

- pens

- pencils

- glue sticks

- colored pencils

- crayons

- scissors

- post its

- rulers

- highlighters

- dry erase markers

- dry erase boards

- folders

- loose leaf paper

- copy paper

- tissues

- hand sanitizer

- band-aids

- colored paper

- paper clips

- binder clips

- rubber bands

If there's something we didn't mention that you'd like to see at our event, please comment below!

Thanks for your feedback! See you at next year's Tools 4 Teachers!

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